This is the first drawing I’ve been able to do, not just in 2022, but after what feels like a really long time. It wasn’t that I was out of ideas. I had this idea in my head for weeks. But I wasn’t listening to my own advice. Just like the girl in the drawing, I wasn’t putting on my own oxygen mask first.
Since the beginning of the year, I feel like this message has gotten louder, to the point where I can’t ignore it anymore. And I know that I’m not the only one. I think as women, we’re often taught that our roles are more important than caring for ourselves. A lot of us are taught to “think of others.” In Asian culture, it’s often seen as selfish to think of yourself. I think it’s good to think about other people, but I feel like we all need to do that—not just women. By understanding where others are at and who they are, we have a chance of building a more compassionate society.
But as women, myself included, putting ourselves first needs to be required rather than optional. I’m definitely a slow learner when it comes to caring for myself. I think it’s a challenge for creatives like me. When things are flowing, I just want to go, go, go. To hell with self care. But my body, my heart, and my mind know that this is not sustainable. I think the other issue women may have to deal with is guilt. I have parents who are in their eighties. Top that with a worldwide pandemic and I feel guilt every single time I have to say no. I can literally hear that voice inside my head that says, “a good daughter would do that for them.”
But I’m learning that if I don’t take care of me, I can’t do anything for anyone else. I hope you are learning that too. Cosmic Notes to Self. It’s like the universe’s version of a Post-It Note. Believe me, I need them.